Monday, September 9, 2013

New School Anxiety

Both girls are attending new schools this year in the local district since I still haven't found a job and couldn't deal with driving them back and forth the Robbinsdale again this year if we probably won't end up back there in the end anyway.

Melanie took the change in stride for the most part.  She is now old enough to participate in the awesome youth program at our church, so she has been making good friends there over the summer.  I think she has always understood that the likelihood of ending up back in Robbinsdale was pretty slim and was prepared for it.

Katie did not take the news as well, though her distress did not last nearly as long as I feared it would.  She had continued to hold out hope that somehow she would be able to go back to Lakeview, and hearing that she definitely wouldn't was hard to take.  After all, Lakeview was the only school she'd known, and change is not easy with her anxieties.  But I took her along to get the registration materials so she could see the place and get a feel for it.  We could only see the office that first time, but we did explore the playground and found it interesting that they have a map of the United States and of the World painted on the pavement near it.

Of course we also attended the back-to-school open house and met her teacher, Mr Bush, and found her classroom.  We practiced walking in the door and up to the cafeteria for breakfast, and then to her classroom until she was comfortable enough to try it on her own.  She even discovered a 2nd route she could take to her room and was very comfortable with finding her way around by the time we left.  I am really excited that she has a male teacher this year.  As well meaning as Rob may be, he actually spends very little time with the girls, even on his weekends, so I am excited for her to have a strong, consistent, positive male figure in her life. 

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