Monday, September 9, 2013

Heavy Changes

2013 has been year of very big, very stressful changes for our family.  I had finished the last of the classes for my Master's last fall.  No more classes = no more student loans.  Since the loans had been paying the rent til then, I immediately started looking for a job that would pay the rent instead.  I never dreamed I would have such a hard time finding something, anything. 

I did some temp work and sought what help I could find, but when it came time for the lease to be renewed, the management declined its renewal, as I had no reliable income.  It was an extremely heavy blow.  I had worked so hard at holding things together and was praying every day that this would be the day I would finally get a call about one of the hundreds of jobs I'd applied for, but it didn't happen.

My lease ran out at the end of March and we had no choice but to move in with my mother in her apartment in New Brighton.  Not ideal by any means, as it's only a 2 bedroom apt, but better than the alternative.  Rob wanted the girls to come and live with them until I got a job and got resettled somewhere, but I just couldn't turn their entire lives upside down like that. I know that they love them and have the best intentions, but they are just not attuned to Katie's special needs in the same way.

I drove them to their schools every day so they wouldn't have to change school with only 2 months left of the year. Originally I imagined we'd be here only a couple months.  Certainly I would get a job any day and we would be able to be back into a new place of our own by the start of the school year. But things did not work out that way.  We are still here. And it's tough.  The toughest time yet, to be honest.  I've never felt so defeated and useless. 

I spend several hours a day several days a week applying for anything and everything I think I could be qualified for.  I'm not being picky- Cub, Target, Wal-Mart, anything would be fine at this point if it gets us back into our own place.  I've had a bunch of interviews, probably one a month at least, a couple I felt really good about too, but none have panned out.  Was called back for a 2nd interview at one place last week and got excited, but it's been a week now without any word, so I'm afraid that probably means they've chosen someone else.  Heart quickens every time the phone rings. 

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