Friday, September 20, 2013

Sad Self Punishment

What I didn't mention about the incident at school yesterday was the way Katie decided to punish herself.  While at the doctor I noticed she had a big, fat rubber band around her wrist and asked her what for.  She said she put it there so that if she was "bad" again she could snap herself with it to hurt and punish herself.  Poor lamb :(  I told her that wasn't necessary.  That she isn't "bad", she just made a poor choice and made a mistake and that we were at the doctor to get some better meds to help her not react to others so easily.

At her conference with her teacher he brought this rubber band issue up as well.  He had noted it and talked to her about it already, but restated to her that he did not ever want to see her hurting herself, that she is a good girl and had punished herself enough just by feeling so bad about it.

Another precaution Kate took today was to fill her lunch bag with band-aids and cotton gauze, in case she got out of control and hurt someone again :(   She said she offered the boy she hurt a band aid, but he didn't want it.

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