I started graduate school in Spring 2008 in a Master's program for Clinical Counseling, working toward licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist.
In January 2009 I was taking a course on child development in which we had a guest speaker come and talk to us about something called Sensory Processing Disorder. She was an occupational therapist, and worked with children struggling with these issues. As I listened to her presentation I became very excited. This sounded like Katie! Could this be the answer I'd been looking for? I had to know more.

I purchased and read
The Out-Of-Sync Child by Carol Kranowitz (highly recommended!) and came to realize that
both of my girls had sensory issues, though Melanie's were much more mild, and
I myself had these issues as well, and had never known it. I had always been "picky" about certain things, but had never understood there could be a reason.
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