Katie continued to be a happy baby at home. She learned to purposely throw herself on her face to get from a sitting to laying down position. She LOVED music, especially the intensity of worship at church, getting her arms and legs moving madly. The rest of the service was difficult though, as she was constantly trying to touch the people in front of us.

The tone of my entries in her journal first changed at 9 mo., when I wrote "what am I to do with such a girl?", noting that she'd been very fussy and irritable, possibly frustrated by her immobility?? (she wasn't crawling yet). She had a "budding little temper", clenching things and turning red in frustration, crying at the top of her voice. She began to shriek at dropped toys or when she ran out of food. We couldn't seem to feed her fast enough. She would grab the spoon away from me after a few bites and try to do it herself, but them scream when she couldn't do it.
Rob's visits were rather sporadic at the time, and I noted that Kate shied from him and tried to bury her face in my neck when she saw him. She didn't begin spending overnights with him until she was at least a year old, as I was concerned that so much change would be hard on her.
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