Thursday, May 24, 2012

No more Adderall!

Kate has been so worried about going up to Rob's again for the holiday weekend, so I called Mary to talk with her about some of Katie's concerns.  Mentioned to her how Kate has still been on a crazy emotional roller coaster the last two weeks.  She said she and Rob had noticed the same when she was last with them and that this is exactly how her older son reacted when he was started on Adderall.  Apparently it is known to really intensify emotions and create huge mood swings. Mary's been through a lot of medication trial and error with her son, so I know she really knows what she's saying, and it confirmed what I had been feeling myself. So, no more Adderall!  I called and made a new appointment with the doctor so we can get her switched to something else ASAP.

Kate was hysterical about something else after school so I talked to her about how I'd decided this kind of medicine just wasn't the right one for her and that I thought it was actually making some of her worrying worse.  She agreed and was happy to hear there were other things we can try.

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