Friday, March 11, 2011

Occupational Therapy Evaluation

I don't remember what finally made me pick up the phone and make the initial appointment for the OT evaluation, but it wasn't automatic, I think I still didn't understand what difference the therapy would make.  But eventually we got in to a rehab clinic in Maple Grove and met our therapist, whose name also happened to be Katie, and was therefore dubbed  "the Katie-lady". This initial evaluation was in January 2010.

Regarding Kate's behavior during initial evaluation the therapist's reports states "Short attention span.  Constant movement, difficulty to engage in structured activities.  Patient needed movement breaks to sustain attention to tasks."

Regarding motor skills, the report noted that Katie "used compensatory movements to maintain balance" on one foot at a time, indicating "likely poor core/ upper body strength" and that her manual dexterity tested below average. "She is lacking both strength and coordination in her hands and fingers which is limiting her independence with dressing tasks.

Regarding visual-motor integration, Kate's visual perception tested in only the 6th percentile, and motor control only in the 19th, indicating "Katie demonstrates significant delay in fine motor integration skills.  She is lacking in visual perception as well as motor coordination.  She also appears to have weak hands which would limit her coordination skills."  It was noted that she used a "thumb-wrap" grasp for writing, which "offers more stability and is often used by children with weak hand muscles."

The Sensory Profile questionnaire I filled out indicated a definite difference in Kate's Auditory, Touch and Vestibular processing, as well as in her Emotional/Social responses, the Behavioral outcomes of sensory processing, Emotional Reactivity and Sensory Sensitivity, with most of her scores in these areas only half of the average.  The report states, "These sensory processing issues also affect her ability to get along and play with peers as she has the need to always be in control of her environment so as to limit unexpected noise and touch.  These issues also affect her ability to attend, learn and improve her fine motor skills."

Based on this evaluation, treatment goals were set as follows: 
-Katie would engage in upper extremity strength activities 3 minutes without fatigue
- would demonstrate appropriate tripod grasp on pencil without adaptive equipment
- would demonstrate age appropriate motor control by completing a certain type of maze
- would be able to attend to therapist directed activity at the table for 5 minutes
- would be able to follow directions to complete a 3 step obstacle course, after demonstration

I realize a lot of this specific information may not mean much to many of you readers, but I included it for those of you like me who are curious about such things, for any professionals who may understand such details, and for any parents considering such an evaluation to see one example of what results this type of evaluation will provide.

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