- Runs away, cries, and/or covers ears with loud or unexpected sounds.
- May dislike going to movie theaters, parades, concerts, etc.
Katie likes going to the movies now, but the first time I tried to take her to one (Kung Fu Panda) was an utter failure. The loud theater volume and giant screen were too much for her about half way through, but Melly was enjoying it, so I had to walk Kate around the empty theater hallways for a good 45 minutes to let Mel see the end, peeking in on her every few minutes to make sure she was ok all alone in there. Another of the trials of single parenting!
We've actually been to two movies in the last month (a record for us!) and though Kate is excited to go, she does complain that they are too loud at first and petered out on them about half way through. She wanted to leave Rango about midway through, and then insisted on snuggling on my lap when I said we couldn't leave. She buried her head in my chest and fell asleep. I chalked that up to her having been up too late the night before. But then last weekend we went to HOP, and half way through she got really restless again. She had insisted on bringing her "blankie" because theater temps are famously erratic, but she ended up using it to cover her head and trying to snuggle up on my lap again. Just realizing as I write this that maybe this is a protective response to being overstimulated by the theater experience, since she has more than enough attention span to watch full length movies at home. Hmmm....
A couple weeks ago we went to another movie and had a similar experience when she began complaining half way through the film that she didn't feel well and wanted to go home. She really wants to go to the movies, but I guess the environment is pretty stressful to her sensitive system.