Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is not yet widely known in the mental health profession. As a member of that profession, and a mother who has experienced it first hand, I wanted to share our journey with others.

Friday, May 13, 2011
Distracted by nature...
Katie to me last Saturday when it was so gorgeous out: "Momma, sometimes, only on nice days, I just get so distracted by nature."
Still so much to learn
Reading another excellent book on SPD tonight (Raising a Sensory Smart Child by Lindsey Biel, M.A., OTR/L and Nancy Peske) and realizing how much more I still need to learn about this condition. Feeling disgusted with myself for being so impatient with both my girls at times for things that seem so simple to me but may be beyond their control.
Specifically, a section about motor planning problems (dyspraxia), the authors are explaining that it takes these children many more repetitions of a physical action to master it, and still "every task that required him to use two hands in coordination had to be taught separately. Even when he finally learned to pull his pants up, he was utterly lost when putting his socks on, although it was basically the same process, because like other dyspraxic kids, he had trouble generalizing skills and applying them to other situations." I remember losing my temper with both of the girls at various times in almost exactly this sort of situation, "You've got your pants on already, why is it taking so long to get those socks on?!?" etc. Lord, please teach me patience and help me to see them the way you see them. They need my support and understanding, not more criticism.
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